AzamPay Card Acceptance

Simple, fast and safe for online businesses


Card Acceptance

The AzamPay Card Acceptance solution is an online payment processing platform that allows you to process credit card payments securely from your customers.

Our team of experts has focused on developing a fully optimized single API to cater for e-commerce businesses operating in Tanzania.

Key Features

3D Secure Payment Processing

Gateway fully compliant with PCI DSS V3.2.1

A single Open API approach for an efficient integration

Support one time or recurring payment model

Access to a user-friendly gateway with a Merchant Back Office interface

Fully integrated, robust, and customizable reporting functionality

Multi-Channel Processing – Accept Payments seamlessly on different channels (Online or Mobile Devices)

Support Visa and MasterCard

Benefits to Your Business

Our suite of payment solutions offers a seamless experience to your customers and you when it comes to acquiring online and mobile payments

You can transact securely at all times

There is only a flat fee across all support costs and no hidden fee to merchants

Integrate this solution with our Collect & Disburse platform to manage all your payments and make reconciliation swifter.

For more information, contact our sales team on (255) 677-822-222 or

Card Acceptance Demo

You may simply submit your information below to setup a live demo and we will be in touch shortly to schedule a time for you.

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions explaining how AzamPay processes your personal data when you submit this form.

Card Acceptance
Have you previously processed credit cards?
Transaction Currencies
Settlement Currencies

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